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U.S. History


Religious History

This is a guide to scholarly research and primary source collections related to United States history. Subpages include Boston history, Indigenous people's histories, Caribbean history, as well as African American History.

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What's on This Page

This page has a lot on it. You can use the following anchors (links down the page) to jump straight to a relevant box.

    Theology Research Guides

    Board Digital Collections

    Catholic Newspapers and Other Periodicals

    Individual Titles

    Catholic Publications

    Jewish Newspapers

    Individual Titles

    Indices and Union Lists

    Protestant Newspapers and Other Periodicals

    Relevant Digital Collections

    Burns Box


    In our very own special collections library (Burns), you'll find a selection of material on your topic. Consider visiting the library and seeing history in your hands. To do so, you should start by searching for material through BC Libraries' catalog and then ordering it (if you haven't registered, you'll be prompted). For a guide on the process, check out the "Finding Burns Material" page.  You might also check out the following recommendations: 

    For more information on Burn's Library's expansive Jesuit & Catholic holdings, visit this informational page
