The Boston College Libraries instruction program supports academics, scholarship, and lifelong learning. We offer instruction on library and research skills at all levels and for all course modalities, including online courses. Our goal is to lead instruction sessions where all learners are able to succeed. We are working toward incorporating inclusive teaching practices and frameworks such as Universal Design for Learning, Culturally Responsive Teaching, and Trauma-Informed Teaching.
Our First-Year Writing Instructors offer focused instruction for FWS classes. Request instruction for your FWS class.
Email a subject librarian to request a library instruction session for your class. Please include as many details as you can about the session, topic, assignment, etc.
Contact the Digital Scholarship Team to arrange a workshop or instruction session.
Find out more about active learning instruction sessions with primary sources and historical materials and request sessions with Burns Library special collections.
Use the Core Library Instruction Request form to request instruction for Enduring Questions or Complex Problems courses.
For more details, see Types of Sessions & Workshops.