This page provides access points for primary sources related to policing across the U.S. with an emphasis on criminal justice. Collections linked hear lean heavily into law, advocacy, and news coverage because of what is available. Researchers are encouraged to run relevant keyword searches in the various "Broad Digital Collections" under the 19th century in Primary Sources and Contemporary Primary Sources subpages for images and more.
This page has a lot on it. You can use the following anchors (links down the page) to jump straight to a relevant box.
To access additional data sets, visit BC Libraries' Historical Data & Statistics page.
These titles include only a small subset of the journals and other serials BC has access to on policing and the criminal justice system in the United States. For more, check out the BC catalog generally and HeinOnline's Criminal Justice & Criminology specifically.
These links focus on Boston news. Consider conducting searches for similar material from different cities across the country.
For additional recommendations, contact your History Liaison, Erin, at or schedule an appointment.