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Burns Visiting Scholars


Seán Ó Tuama (Fall 1994)

Seán Ó Tuama spent much of his academic career at University College Cork, where he was Professor of Irish Literature. Publishing in both English and Irish, he is remembered as a poet and playwright as well as a scholar. Ever engaged with Ireland’s legacy, Ó Tuama served on the Arts Council of Ireland, as well as the Bord na Gaeilge, an executive agency formed to perpetuate the Irish language.

Selected publications:

Rogha dánta: Death in the Land of Youth: New and Selected Poems of Sean O Tuama. Translator Peter Denman. Cork: Cork University Press, 1997.

Repossessions, selected essays on the Irish literary heritage. Cork: Cork University Press, 1995

An Grá i bhFilíocht na nUaisle.  Inverin, County Galway: An Clóchomhar Tta, 1988.

An Duanaire: Poems of the Dispossessed. Translator Thomas Kinsella. Dublin: Dolmen Press, 1981.

The Gaelic League Idea. Cork: Mercier Press, 1972.

The Facts About Irish. Coraigh: An Comhar Poiblí, 1964.