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Submission Workflow in OJS 3


Stage 4 - Production

This guide will help work you through the four stages; Submission, Review, Copyediting, and Production of the OJS submission workflow.

Finishing the Submission

Once you have moved through the Copyediting stages you will be brought to the Production stage.

  1. In the above Production Stage screen, you can see the copyedited version of the article selected appears as a "Production Ready File." Before you schedule your article for publication in one of your upcoming issues, you will need to Add a Galley, circled in the example above.

  2. After you have clicked on "Add Galley" this will prompt a new "Create New Galley" window and you will asked for a Galley label, this is where you should type "PDF" or whatever the type of file you are hosting is - generally, this is a PDF.

  1. Once you type in PDF and click Save, you will brought to the three-stage upload document process. It is advised to upload a PDF version of your article at this point, as this is what will appear in your published issue and on the ejournals website. The three images below are the three brief stages of the Upload Document process - this time, this is indeed how the document will appear in the published issue of your journal.

  1. As you can see in the screen above, you will want to select "Article Text" as this is what is being sent to production.  Additionally, as you can see from the file name, a PDF version has been uploaded.  This may require you to open a copy of the most recent of the Word Document and save it as a PDF. Once you have your upload loaded, click Continue.

  1. The above screen will give you the chance to change the name of the file one last time.  This is a good place to change the name of the article to whatever it will appear as in your issue of the journal.  Once you have selected a good title, click Continue to confirm your upload.

  1. Now that you have added your file, Click "Complete" to be brought back to the main Production screen.

  1. As you can see, this is a similar screen as before - but now you will see that the Galleys section is populated with your PDF.  Now it is time to set up your article for Publication.  In the top right section of the ddashboard, Click on "Schedule for Publication." This will cause the Publication Pop-up window to appear.

  1. In the screenshot above, you can see that Schedule for Publication is populated with an edition of the journal.  This dropdown menu will list all of the issues (both Future and Back Issues) that exists in OJS.  
  • Sending your submission to a Back Issue will publish the article in a issue that has already been published, effectively publishing the article immediately.
  • Sending your submission to a Future Issue will send the article to the cue to be published once the Future Issue itself is published.
  • If your journal has a rolling publication, simply sending the article to the most recent published (back) issue will work.
  1. The "Pages" box will also dictate which pages in the issue your article will take.  In the example above, pages 1-12 are listed, this means that this article will make up the first twelve pages of the journal issue.  On the Ejournals site, this information is displayed in a light gray font toward the bottom right of each issue.  Below is an example from an issue of the Information Technology and Libraries journal, where they have done a nice job listing their page numbers in a clear way:

  1. After you have filled in the "schedule for publication" and "Pages" fields check to make sure the Permissions information is correct. After you confirm everything looks good, click Save. Once you click save, you will be presented with the option to Assign a DOI to your article:

  1. A DOI is a great way to make this article uniquely identifiable.  Click OK.  This will bring you back to the main production screen with a new message saying the submission has been scheduled for publication, marking the end of the workflow for this article!


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