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Submission Workflow in OJS 3


Getting Started

This guide will help work you through the four stages; Submission, Review, Copyediting, and Production of the OJS submission workflow.

Receiving a Submission in OJS - Next Step

If you are a Journal Manager or Editor in OJS, you have received many submissions to your journal.  Some of these articles make their way through all 4 stages of the Submission Workflow stages until they are published, while others might not make it through all of the stages.  Either way, understanding how submissions work and who is involved in each stage is a key part of a functioning journal.

Digital Publishing and Outreach Specialist

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Gabriel Feldstein
O'Neill Library
140 Commonwealth Avenue,
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
VM: (617) 552-1652 & Cell: (617) 584-0468