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Submission Workflow in OJS 3


Stage 2 - Reviewer Point of View

This guide will help work you through the four stages; Submission, Review, Copyediting, and Production of the OJS submission workflow.

Reviewer Point of View

While the previous pages seeks to explain the Review Stage from the perspective of Journal Editor; selecting to reviewers and discussing their questions, this intends to show what a Reviewer might see when they are selected by a Journal Editor.


  1. The Reviewer would receive the email sent in the previous stage, letting them know they have been selected as a reviewer, this is what the typical Reviewer's dashboard will look like:

Reviewer Point of View, Assignment Recieved

  1. Before the Reviewer can begin, they must accept the task in OJS. Clicking on the article will open the Request for Review screen; this will show them a lot of different information and metadata about the submission they are considering reviewing.

Reviewer Point of View: Submission Details

  1. Here, the reviewer can see the metadata.  Abstract, Review type, how long the reviewer has before the review is due, etc.  At the very bottom of the page, they will be prompted to either accept or decline the review.

Reviewer Accepting or Declining Terms

  1. After the Reviewer has accepted the review, they will be taken to the next page where they can review any guidelines that the journal has for reviewers.

Reviewer Point of View: Guideline Review

  1. For the test journal, no guidelines have been produced.  But for your journal, this is a good chance to go over any guidelines as your reviewer will see them here before completing the review.  Once they have reviewed the guidelines, they can click Continue to Step #3.

Reviewer Point of Review: Download and Review Screen

  1. Clicking on the article will download it to the reviewers computer, and upon reading, they are able to make edits and also add general notes in the sections below. 

  2. A review section gives a chance to make general comments - the top open response box is commentary for the editor and author, while their is also an option to provide feedback only to the editor, and not the author.  In the upload section, a new, revised version of the article can be uploaded.  Additionally, any discussions or separate documents that are necessary can be uploaded in the "Review Discussions" section

Reviewer Point of View: Comments and Uploads Screen

  1. After the reviewer has uploaded and shared what is needed, there is an opportunity to make a recommendation and their are options listed in the dropdown.  This is effectively a suggested action item for the Journal Editor; the recommendation dropdown includes the options seen below:

Reviewer Point of View: Recommendation for Journal Editor

  1. Once you have selected a recommendation, the reviewer is ready for the next stage.  The reviewer will click "Submit Review" and this round of review is completed.

Reviewer Point of View: Submitting your Review



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