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Zotero Guide


For Safari and Pages users

Easy step-by-step Zotero guides from download to format citations for CSTM students.

Zotero Connector on Safari

Once Zotero is downloaded on the Safari browser, the Zotero Connector will be automatically installed. 

How to make Zotero Connector extension visible on Safari browser
  1. Open the Safari web browser.
  2. Click Safari from the menus.
  3. Select Settings from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Extensions
  5. You will see Zotero Connector on the list from the left side.
  6. Check the box next to Zotero Connector.
  7. Close the settings window.

You will see the Zotero Connector Icon on the left side of the URL address.

How to Use Zotero on Pages

Preparations in Zotero Settings
  1. Open Zotero application.
  2. Select Zotero in the menu bar.
  3. Click Settings.zotero preparation on macbook
  4. Go to the Sync tab and sign in to your Zotero account.
  5. Enter your Zotero Username and Password and click the Set Up Syncing button.
  6. Go to the Cite tab and choose your citation style. 
  7. Go to the Export tab and choose your item format style.
  8. Close the popup window and click the refresh button.
  9. If the syncing is successful, your Zotero library will be loaded on your Zotero application.
How to bring formatted citations and bibliography to your document in Pages
Adding Citation
  1. Open a new document on Pages.
  2. Select Footnote to enter citations.
  3. Open Zotero application.
  4. Select the resources you want to cite in your Zotero library.
  5. Select Edit from the menu options.
  6. Select Copy Citation for your note.
  7. Paste the copied citation to your numbered footnote of the document.
Adding Bibliography
  1. Click Insert from the menus in the document.
  2. Select Page Break to enter bibliographies on a new page.
  3. Select Edit from the Zotero menus.
  4. Select Copy Bibliography.
  5. Paste the copied bibliography to your bibliography section of the document in alphabetical orderadd citation and bibliography