Easy step-by-step Zotero guides from download to format citations for CSTM students.
Add/Edit book chapters to your Zotero collection
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E-Book chapter
Find an e-book at BC Libraries Website (or any database or search engine you are using).
Click “Find Online."
In the popup window, click the e-Book link. For example, JSTOR is one of the academic e-book libraries. Click .
On the e-book website, find the chapter and go to the chapter you need.
Click the Zotero Connector book section icon .
Go to the Zotero App. and see if the book chapter is correctly saved as “Book Section” in the [Item Type] field and if all other fields are correctly saved.
Physical Book chapter
You need to add the book chapter resource manually to your Zotero collection.
Find a book from BC Libraries Website (or any database or search engine you are using).
Click the Zotero connector Icon to save the book to your Zotero collection. If the saved information is not correct, please edit them manually. (For example, editors are saved as authors in this screenshot.)
Right-click the book title that contains the chapter you want to add to the Zotero application. It will show the drop-down menu.
Select "Create Book Section." You will see this newly created item accustomed to the item type "Book Section."
Modify the item information accustomed to the book section. It will be convenient to modify the information, because all the book information is preserved already and you will only need to add the title, the author, and other details of the book section here.
Press the “Enter” key or click the next field to save the information you added or modified.
Repeat #5 and #6 in each field that needs to update: click the field > enter the new information > press the “Enter” key to save the updated information.