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European History


First World War in Primary Sources

Guide to researching early modern and modern European History at Boston College.

The First World War (Great War) in Primary Sources

The First World War (1914-1918), also known as the Great War, spanned the globe in terms of involvement and impact. This is a guide to some Digital Collections with material from the war organized by broad collections encompassing the war and more; collections on the war itself; and then by state. Collections include government documents, maps, posters, photographs, and more. 

Let your subject liaison know about dead links or if you have additional recommendations. 

What's on This Page

    Broad Digital Collections

    Broad Digital Collections on the First World War

    Sources through O'Neill

    Click on these links to access our BC Libraries Catalog (Primo) for access points (digtal) or call numbers (LOC) for those volumes we have. 

    Sources: Film and Other A/V

    State: Austria/Hungary (Empire)

    State: Britain (Empire/Constitutional Monarchy)

    State: France (Third Republic)

    State: Germany (Empire)

    State: Russia (Empire to USSR)

    State: United States

    Topics: End of War and League of Nations

    For Additional Help

    For additional recommendations, contact your History Liaison, Erin, at or schedule an appointment.