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Ask the question: What organization or agency would likely collect this data?
American FactFinder census data from block level to national level.
Community Analysis Guide compiles links to city, state and county level data sources. Includes mapping tools.
Economics Research Guide provides links to major government data sources primarily at the national level but includes some state and local data.
Education Statistics highlights key government agencies that provide statistics. U.S. and international.
Health Statistics organizes links to major sources of U.S. and International health statistics.
Data.gov Find Government Data Web Sites:
Find International Sources: International Statistics is a more extensive guides to links to national and international data sources including major government agencies.
FAOSTAT. Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N.: FAOSTAT provides time-series and cross sectional data relating to food and agriculture for some 200 countries.
Global Health Observatory (GHO)
International Labour Organzation
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
UNESCO - Data for Sustainable Development: Explore data by theme and by country.
United Nations
United Nations Population Information Network
World Databank. World Bank: Includes World Development Indicators, Global Development Finance, Education Statistics, Health Nutrition and Population Statistics, Africa Development Indicators, Global Economic Monitor and Millennium Development Goals. Includes mapping and graphing tools.
U.N. National Statistical Authorities
ProQuest Statistical Insight Complete Collection: Index to local, national and international intergovernmental statistical publications from 1983 to the present. Includes citation information with large number of pdf or spreadsheet downloads available.
ICPSR Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research: Data archive for political and social sciences. Multiple formats available for direct download.
Data-Planet Statistical Datasets: Time series data from licensed and public domain datasets including key government data. Areas covered include: economic indicators, banking, crime, employment, environment, health, housing, industry, pricing and cost of living, transportation data and many more topics. Incudes International Monetary Fund Data.
Roper Center for Public Opinion Research: U.S. and select international opinion poll data. ASCII and SPSS formats.
BC Data/GIS & Spatial Collection: B.C. collection of key subscription data sets with download links in multiple formats.
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