Recommend items for our collections. Also contact me directly about expensive items like reference works, journal backfiles, and multi-volume handbooks.
Discover what the BC community is thinking about: Are there any band practice rooms? Is it worth going to Cape Cod on a rainy weekend? 怎么还有一门(考试)啊! [Why is there still an exam?] Post questions on our board by the stairs on Level 3.
Includes arXiv, Inspec and Compendex, PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus, IEEE Xplore, SciFinderⁿ, crystal structure databases, reference handbooks, and more.
Guidelines and a dissertation template (Word format) applicable to graduate students in the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences (MCAS). Check with your department for additional or more specific instructions.
The Libraries administer a fund that provides money to defray article publishing fees for fully open access journal articles authored by Boston College faculty or students.
Access or register for chemical drawing software, using your BC email address. Consult the Quick Start Guide (PDF) for installation directions. License funded by BC Chemistry.