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History of Africa and the African Diaspora


Côte d'Ivoire

This is a guide to sources available through Boston College on African history.

What's on This Page

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    Broad Digital Collections

    Data & Statistics

    Gov. Docs. and the Law

    Individual Titles

    Newspapers and Other Periodicals

    For additional sources for historical news ...

    For historical newspapers and television, visit BC Libraries' Historical News page.

    Photographs and other Images

    Human Rights

    For additional suggestions, visit BC Libraries' Human Rights History research guide.

    International Organizations

    For additional international organizations' primary source sets, see the cooresponding Global History Research Guide.

    Burns Box


    In our very own special collections library (Burns), you'll find a selection of material on your topic. Consider visiting the library and seeing history in your hands. To do so, you should start by searching for material through BC Libraries' catalog and then ordering it (if you haven't registered, you'll be prompted). For a guide on the process, check out the "Finding Burns Material" page.  You might also check out the following recommendations: 

    Burns Library has more than two dozen volumes focused on the Côte d'Ivoire, many of the from the Williams Collection. Examples: