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OJS Quick Submission Plug In


Adding a Galley

This guide will show you how to use the "Quick Submission" Plug-in available in OJS.

Adding a Galley

 The "Galley" holds the content of your article most often as a PDF. Without a Galley, your readers will only be able to get as far as the abstract.

  1. You will find the "Add Galley" option in the Galleys section as shown below. Click on "Add Galley."

  1. After you click on "Add-Galley" the "Create New Galley" box should appear: For the Galley Label you should put the file format type and then choose the correct language. Ignore the "This galley will be available at a separate website" checkbox.

  1. Now that you have filled in the Galley information, click save and you will be taken to a quick 3-step upload process where you will upload your submission:

Upload a File Ready for Publication

  1. The first step is to label what part of the article your upload is, you will see a drop down list.  Most often you will select "Article Text."

  1. After you select the component type, you will see an area where you upload your files.  You can either drag and drop your document into the dotted-line box, or you can click "Upload File" and choose the file from your computer. Click "Continue" and go to the next stage.
  1. Up next is the "Review Details" stage - here you will have a chance to make sure the File Type and Size look right, and you can also modify the title, which is automatically generated from the "Upload File" section.

  1. OJS generates this file with the formula: username, Document Title.file_type; in the above example, feldsteg is my username, "Sample Document" is the title, and the filetype is a -.docx. It is recommended that you remove the username, so the title of the article is all that remains.
  2. Once your title looks good and you have got the correct document, click Continue to move to the "Confirm" stage.

  1. Your file has been added, click Complete to return to your QuickSubmit Plugin screen where you will now see your Galley added (my example Document is indeed a docx, the link appears as "PDF" because is that we named our Galley if you recall the first step of adding a Galley - this is a good, straightforward way for the reader to know where to click to download your content.


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Gabriel Feldstein
O'Neill Library
140 Commonwealth Avenue,
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
VM: (617) 552-1652 & Cell: (617) 584-0468