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OJS Quick Submission Plug In


Adding a Contributor

This guide will show you how to use the "Quick Submission" Plug-in available in OJS.

Adding a Contributor

After you have filled in the required metadata, you will see the "Add Contributor" and "Add Galley" options.

  1. Adding a contributor is the next step, to proceed with this select the "Add Contributor" button you will see in the List of contributors section.

Adding a Contributor

  1. Once you click "Add Contributor" a box will open prompting you to fill in the information about your contributor.  Name, email, and country are required.

Add Contributor Pop Up Window

  1. Now you will select the role of the contributor of the submission - generally this will be "Author."

Please note: on this screen you will also have the option to make your new contributor the first point of contact for questions around their submission. Leaving the box unchecked has the journal manager remaining as the first point of contact, rather than the actual author or translator, for instance, of the work.

Contributor's role selection

  1. Once you have filled in all of the information, click Save and you have added a contributor. You will see this person now appear in the "List of Contributors" section on the main screen.

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Gabriel Feldstein
O'Neill Library
140 Commonwealth Avenue,
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
VM: (617) 552-1652 & Cell: (617) 584-0468