This page has a lot on it. You can use the following anchors (links down the page) to jump straight to a relevant box.
Caption: [Map of Ulster Province, Ireland], Map, [188?], Library of Congress.
Central Intelligence Agency, Europe: Ireland Locator Map, 2020,
These are collections with extensive content, covering dozens of topics related Irish history. We recommend trying each of these to see if they are relevant to your research.
In our very own special collections library (Burns), you'll find an impressive array of material on Irish History. It's one of BC's areas of focus. If you're studying the topic it's well worth the trip to hold that history in your hands.
To do so, you should start by searching for material through BC Libraries' catalog and then ordering it (if you haven't registered, you'll be prompted). For a guide on the process, check out the "Finding Burns Material" page.
In addition to manuscript collections, Burns Library holds printed materials published during the Troubles. To find these materials, try searching in the catalog and including a date limiter of 1960-2000. Suggested search terms include:
For more Burns resources on Northern Ireland and the Troubles, check the Burns box on the Northern Ireland guide
O'Neill Library houses a significant amount of scholarship on Irish history. You can find some of the more recent scholarship through the following links.
For other Legal History Resources for British History, visit BC Libraries' British History Research Guide.
For more historical news, visit BC Libraries' Irish Historical News resource guide.
For additional suggestions, visit BC Libraries' Human Rights History research guide.
For additional international organizations' primary source sets, see the cooresponding Global History Research Guide.