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SciFinder Tips

Major print and online resources for chemistry

SciFinder-N is now here at Boston College

SciFinder-N, the next-gen version of the Scifinder database you've been using for years, is now here at Boston College. You can continue using the earlier SciFinder, if you prefer. Use the same login information for either. Login on the BC Libraries Databases page (search for SciFinder) or click here. Contact Nancy Curtis, Chemistry Librarian, if you have any questions. SciFinder and SciFinder-N are limited to members of the Boston College community, for non-commercial use.

SciFinder-N Tips

Some of the new features you'll find in SciFinder-N:

  • SciFinder-N supports the use of Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT), giving you much greater control in your searching.  In short,
    • AND  -- Narrows (use it when you require that both terms be present in your search results)
    • OR -- Broaden (use it to indicate that "Term A" or "Term B" must be present in your search results)
    • NOT -- Limits (use it to remove any record that contains the "not-ed out" term) -- use with caution
  • Check out the What's New link under your account icon in the upper, right-hand corner.  SciFinder-N is rapidly adding new features.
  • Use Advanced Search for Author, Journal, or Organization.
  • Specify "preferred suppliers" by clicking the "thumbs-up" icon next to a supplier listing once you've run a search.  After that, each time you search for suppliers this supplier will appear at the top of your list.