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Finding Materials in the Boston College Libraries

Catalog Tips

By Title or Author

On the Advanced Search screen, change the "Anywhere in record" drop-down to "Title" to locate a specific work or to "Author/Creator" to find books written by a particular chemist.

Searching by Subject

On the Advanced Search screen, change the "Anywhere in record" drop-down to "Subject" and enter chemistry
(or, more specialized terms, such as: "chemical kinetics"; metathesis; "organic compounds"; porphyrins).

Alternatively, if you are looking for materials on a more specific topic in chemistry, use "Anywhere in record":
To find material on metals and enzymes, type: metal* AND enzym*
(The "*" is a truncation symbol that will retrieve various forms of each word: metal, metals, metallic, enzyme, enzymes, enzymatic)

Catalog Simple (Keyword) Search

Search the Catalog by Keyword(s) Anywhere


For more search options, use Advanced Search.

Chemistry Librarian