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Resources for History Graduate Students


ORCID Basics and Benefits

This is a guide to history resources for graduate students.

ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) is an open, non-profit, community-driven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers. ORCID IDs distinguish individuals with common names, and are not affected by name changes, cultural differences in name order, inconsistent abbreviations, or the use of different alphabets. 

The letter to faculty from the Provost, University Librarian and Vice President, Information Technology, articulates the value of ORCID IDs for the Boston College community.

How to Register

It is easy and free to register for an ORCID ID. Visit to register for an ORCID and connect it automatically to your BC ID number. If you already have an ORCID, you can also connect it to your BC ID number there.

Funders, publishers, scholarly societies, fellow researchers and potential collaborators all need to be able to identify your work. Boston College needs to identify and collect comprehensive, accurate information about BC’s scholarly contributions to the world’s knowledge.

Benefits for Researchers

  • Registration for an ID is quick, simple and free
  • ORCID IDs are unique and persistent, identifying each researcher
  • ORCID profiles associate publications, articles, datasets and other outputs with your identifier
  • Publishers, grant funders and associations collect ORCID IDs at submission and integrate your output into your profile
  • Data providers, including CrossRef, Scopus and MLA International Bibliography populate ORCID profiles
  • ORCID is integrated into the Faculty Annual Report in Data 180, allowing import of works and decreasing manual entry
  • Researchers control what material is public, private,or available only to trusted parties (privacy policy)

Enhance your visibility

Once you have registered for an ORCID you can sign in at, build your profile and use it to raise the visibility of your work.

Enter your ORCID when submitting publications and grant applications; the publisher or funder will push information about the article or successful grant to your profile.

Import information about your publications from Scopus, CrossRef and other databases. See our More Information page.

Add the link to your ORCID profile to your webpage, faculty profile, email signature, CV, and other publications and presentations. One click will bring researchers and potential collaborators to your list of works.

Benefits for Boston College

  • Accurate and current access to the scholarly output of BC researchers 
  • Ability to follow a graduate’s work during his/her career
  • Potential integration of ORCID profile information into other systems

Scholarly Communication Librarian

Profile Photo
Elliott Hibbler
he / him / his
O'Neill Library
Subjects: Copyright, Law

More About ORCID