Core Literature Databases and Indexes
MLA Bibliography (BC Only) Produced by the Modern Language Association of America, the database consists of bibliographic records pertaining to literature, language, linguistics, and folklore, from 1926 to the present. Coverage of Irish language sources began in 1967.
Literature Online (LION) (BC Only) In addition to being a fully searchable library of more than 350,000 works of English and American poetry, drama and prose, LION provides access to over 200 full-text literature journals, and other key criticism and reference. resources.
Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL) (BC Only) Contains well over three quarters of a million records covering periodical articles, monographs, critical editions of literary works, book reviews, collections of essays and doctoral dissertations published anywhere in the world from 1920 onwards.
Literature Resource Center (BC Only) Full text of critical articles pertaining to 90,000 novelists, poets, essayists, journalists and other writers, with in-depth coverage of 2,000 of the most-studied authors. Combines many of Gale's literary databases in a single Internet-searchable service.
Interdisciplinary Databases and Indexes
JSTOR is a key resource for finding full-text periodical articles in literature, history, and other disciplines. Printing or downloading articles is convenient in JSTOR. Browse the list of JSTOR language and literature titles or a list of titles in the JSTOR Ireland Collection.
JSTOR Ireland offers titles and resources across the arts, humanities, and sciences, in
disciplines such as music, art, history, literature, archaeology,
mathematics, and biology. Coverage is from the 1780s to the present.
Project Muse offers full-text, online access to over 300 humanities, arts, and social sciences journals. View the list of Project Muse literature titles.
To identify Irish periodical articles published between 1800 and 1969, consult the multi-volume set: Hayes, Richard J. Sources for the History of Irish Civilisation: Articles in Irish Periodicals. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1970. (Burns Library: Z2034.H35 REF; O'Neill Library: Microforms DA925.H39 1970a). (This resources does not index Irish language periodicals.)
Many scholarly articles pertaining to aspects of literature may be found in journals of other disciplines. For example, there are many literature related entries in such history databases as America History & Life and Historical Abstracts, in ATLA Religion Database, and in Philosopher's Index.
In like manner, Ethnic NewsWatch, a full-text database of over 200 ethnic, minority and native publications, and GenderWatch, a full-text database that focuses on the impact of gender across a broad spectrum of subject areas, both provide a great deal of useful secondary material on diverse aspects of literature. The same is true of such multidisciplinary databases as British Humanities Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index (Web of Science), Academic OneFile, General Reference Center Gold. Many other examples might be provided. Go to the Online Databases page and browse through the 400 plus databases there. It is important to point out that many of these databases point to monographs and book chapters as well as to articles in journals.