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Latin American Studies


Introductions, Encyclopedias, Bibliographies

Guide to print and electronic resources for Latin American Studies.

Online Encyclopedias and Bibliographies

LANIC Resource Guides

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Directory by country and subject of high quality web-based information identified by academics at the University of Texas Center for Latin American Studies

Introductions to Latin American Studies

Print Encyclopedias & Dictionaries

Balderston, Daniel, Mike Gonzalez and Ana M. López. eds. Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin American and Caribbean Cultures. London ; New York : Routledge, 2000. 3 v. (O'Neill Reference F1406.E515 2000)

Cambridge History of Latin America. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984. (O'Neill Stacks F1410.C1834 1984)

Enciclopedia Hispánica. Barcelona: Encyclopídia Britannica Publishers, c1991-1992. (O'Neill Reference AE61.E52 1992)

Javierre, José María. Gran Enciclopedia de España y América : Biblioteca del V Centenario. Madrid : Gela : Espasa-Calpe/Argantonio, 1983- .   T. 1. Los habitantes, hasta Colón. T. 2. Los habitantes, Mestizaje; población actual. T.3. La Tierra. T. 4. El descubrimiento, siglo XV-siglo XVI. T. 5. Desarrollo, independencia, siglos XVII, XVIII y XIX. T. 6. Nuestro tiempo, siglos XIX y XX. T. 8. Literatura, prosa, verso. T. 9. Arte.  (O'Neill Stacks F1408 .G73 1983)

Rossi, Ernest E and Jack C. Plano. Latin America: A Political Dictionary. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio, 1992. (O'Neill Reference F1406.R67 1992)

Tenenbaum, Barbara A. ed. Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1996. 5 volumes. (O'Neill Stacks F1406 .E53 1996 )

Werner, Michael S. et al eds. Encyclopedia of Mexico: History, Society & Culture. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997. (O'Neill Reference F1204 .F539 1997)