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Finding online resources

Information about the collections, services and tools available from the Boston College Libraries to support faculty teaching online courses.

Many of our books and journals are available online and can be accessed from anywhere with a BC login. In addition to ebooks and ejournals, we have streaming media (video, audio, music),  images, and digital collections.

Research Guides

Our Research Guides are helpful librarian-created guides for all academic subject areas at BC; general guides also help you find images, films, newspapers, and scholarly/peer-reviewed sources. Course or assignment specific guides can be created and linked to your Canvas site. Contact your subject librarian for assistance.


Search the Library Catalog for a title, author, or topic;  narrow your results by:  Material Type:  eBooks

Some eBooks are limited in the number of copies available at the same time. If the eBook is required reading and we only own one copy, contact us to see if we can upgrade to more copies. Learn more about eBooks at BC. 


Search the Library Catalog.  Select  "Journals" and search by title or ISSN.  Online journals will say "Find Online". Look closely at the dates available for each journal. If you need an article from a journal that we do not have online, you can request it via Interlibrary Loan.

Adding Material to the Library Collection

Streaming video

Search the Library Catalog for a topic; narrow your results by:

  • Availability: Available Online
  • Material Type: Films & video

Browse our streaming video collections.

Linking to films & Canvas


Use Databases to search for articles, books, images, streaming video, primary sources and many other types of resources.  Or consult a Research Guide to find databases by Subject. This guide provides instructions on Getting Articles in our databases.

Open Textbooks