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Essential resources to begin your research in Nursing are included in this Research Guide.

Library Support for the School of Nursing

The nursing collection supports the various departments of the School of Nursing.  It also provides resources in bioethics and health information to the university as a whole and to appropriate economics, sociology, psychology, bioethics, and pre-medical classes. 

The collection provides historical materials in nursing as well as the most current resources in clinical practice. The collection consists of more than 60,000 books on nursing, medicine, health sciences and bioethics; 1300 nursing, health and medical serials including more than 800 periodicals; and numerous related databases.

 As a government depository library, the O'Neill Library selectively collects publications of the Government Printing Office, including eighty percent of the publications of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Essential resources to begin your research in Nursing are included in this Research Guide. Additional information and consultation are available from the team of librarians supporting Nursing and other health sciences, at

New Nursing Books at the Library

Here are some of the most recent additions to the Nursing collection at the O'Neill Library. Clicking on the each link will take you to the catalog record, where you can see if the book is available and find out where it is in the library.

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Medical Dictionaries

Stedman’s medical dictionary for the health professions and nursing
O’Neill Reference R121 .S8

Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary
O’Neill Stacks R121 .T18

Concise medical dictionary

Mosby’s medical, nursing, & allied health dictionary
O’Neill Reference R121 .M89

News from MedlinePlus

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