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Mediterranean History


Iraq in Primary Sources

This is a guide to historical research--focused on primary source material--available to Boston College for Mediterranean History.

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This page is currently under construction and far from complete. If you notice broken links or have suggestions, please write the subject liaison e-mail. 

Broad Digital Collections

These are collections with extensive content. Covering dozens of topics related to history in different spaces around the world, we recommend trying each of these to see if they are relevant to your research.

Sources: Gov. Docs., State Papers, and Treatise

Sources: Newspapers and Periodicals

Topics: British Involvement in Iraq

Topic: US Involvement in Iraqi History

Topics: Human Rights and Iraq

Topics: International Organizations

For additional international organizations' primary source sets, see the cooresponding Global History Research Guide.

For Additional Help

For additional recommendations, contact your History Liaison, Erin, at or schedule an appointment.