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Library and Canvas Integration


Course Resources

Library course resources and Canvas

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We work with instructors to provide students with access to course material that is affordable and accessible. Instructors can request any type of material to support their teaching including items from the library collections, free websites, and items that need to be purchased. Use Course Resources in Canvas to build reading lists and communicate with the library. Contact your Subject Librarian who can work with you directly to make the most of library resources in your course.

Common course resources

Articles and Chapters - We will scan or provide links to articles, book chapters, lecture notes, and sample exams that comply with fair use guidelines. We limit the amount of scanning to one entire chapter or ten percent of a book to comply with fair use, though slightly more may be appropriate when no digital options are available for purchase. When multiple chapters from books are requested, we will try to purchase an online version.

Books  - We purchase e-books or print books if online is not available. 

Media - We try to license streaming video when available.

Course packs - Some material, including HBS Cases, are restricted by copyright and require permission from the publisher. The BC Bookstore can help with coursepack creation that is sold directly to students and not available in the library. Subject Librarians can work with you to locate library material instead of using course packs that may not be affordable to all students.

Managing reading lists

Course reading lists are managed through the Course Resources tab in Canvas. Instructors should use this tool to submit requests to the library, reuse past course reading lists, and track the status of requested items.

  • In your Canvas course click Course Resources (left menu), or log into to Course Resources directly. 
  • Reuse a list from a previous semester or create a new list.
  • +ADD items: search for library items or create your own; use Cite It! to import citations from websites.
  • Discuss with the Library: request items / ask questions about your list.
  • Send to the library (My list is ready): submit your list to the library for processing and to make your list viewable to your students.

Need help?

Viewing course resources

Students and faculty can access reserves for a specific course via the Course Resources tab in Canvas