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First-year Writing Seminar


Getting Articles

Where's the Article?

If you search a database and the full article's not there, don't despair.  Look for the "FindIt" button:  or FindIt@BC.  Find It will offer help including:

  1. If BC has the full text in another database, you will be taken to a list of databases for the full text. 
  2. If BC subscribes to the print journal where the article appeared, the Catalog will say Find in Library and you can check which library or libraries may have the year/issue you need and where it is located.
  3. If the article is not available online or in print at BC, use the link to Request the item. We can usually get the article from another library within a few days and email it to you.

Google Scholar & Findit@BC

Google Scholar works well for broad searches of scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources.

You can set up Google Scholar to provide FindIt@BC links which show you Boston College material; online articles, journals in our collection, or the option to request an article or book through Interlibrary Loan.

To set up Google Scholar to display FindIt@BC links:

  • Go to Google Scholar
  • Click on Settings
  • Choose Library links
  • Search for "Boston College" and select Boston College - Findit@BC

  • Don't forget to click "Save"!


What is Read& Write?: Read&Write is a customizable toolbar that integrates reading, writing, studying, and research support tools with common applications. The Google Chrome extension-based web version* works in online environments, including Canvas and Google Docs.

Why it's useful:  Read&Write has myriad tools to support students in building independent learning skills to enhance overall success in college: text-to-speech, highlighting, dictionary, vocabulary tool, and study skills tools to capture highlight.

Who it's for: Everyone. While students benefit from the tool, so can faculty and staff. 

How do I Install it? Follow instructions on this ITS page to access the web tool and install the browser extension. It should only take a few minutes.

How do I use it? See our Read&Write guide for detailed instructions, videos, and links to Read&Write support.

 *There is a desktop version for Macs and PCs with more advanced features, including more language translation tools. In most cases, the Chrome version will be sufficient for students.