Literature searching is part of your research process. Record the date, the database(s) you searched, and the search strategy or strategies you used.
Tip: Start by reading background information on a new topic.
Use the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology to find background information on one of these topics:
Use database Help or Support resources.
Use citation tools to organize search results.
Set up database alerts to keep up with current literature.
All of these approaches are useful in literature searches. Often you will use all three approaches for the same search topic.
Use this strategy in preliminary searches, or when you're less familiar with a topic. With this strategy you can look at different facets or aspects of your topic.
Use this strategy for well-defined (clear and focused) search questions. Plan on repeating your search with modifications so you can find more literature.
Use citation searching to trace the history of research on a topic, or to find ongoing discussion of a previously published paper.