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CHEM6611: Scientific Communication in Chemistry


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Overview of library resources supporting graduate research


Database comparison

  BIOSIS Previews Embase
Quick guide

BIOSIS Previews [Web of Science Help]

Embase® Embase User Guide (PDF)




Literature Types

Journal articles, patents, books (and some book chapters), technical reports, dissertations, conference papers; 50+ languages

Journal articles, books (and some book chapters), conference papers; 50+ languages
Purpose(s) Breadth: comprehensively indexing worldwide life sciences literature Breadth: comprehensively indexing worldwide biomedical literature
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Additional notes Overlaps with PubMed content, but covers additional journals and additional literature types Overlaps with PubMed content, but covers additional European and Asian journals and additional literature types; particularly strong coverage of literature on drugs and toxicology

Other Physical Sciences

Note: Our current subscription permits searching Compendex and Inspec simultaneously, and then removing duplicates. Each database has unique indexing worth exploring when designing a search strategy.

Database comparison

  Compendex Inspec
Quick guide

Engineering Village: Access and Use Support Center

IET Inspec Engineering Village quick reference guide (PDF). Also see the Engineering Village: Access and Use Support Center.




Literature Types

Journal articles, books (and some book chapters), dissertations, preprints, conference papers, standards, patents, trade journals; 35+ languages

Journal articles, books (and some book chapters), dissertations, preprints, conference papers, standards, patents, videos; 35+ languages
Purpose(s) Comprehensively indexing worldwide engineering and applied physical sciences literature Comprehensively indexing worldwide physics and electronics literature; selectively indexing computer science and information technology literature
Properties Can search and/or filter results by reported values for > 60 properties and/or experimental conditions Can search and/or filter results by reported values for 25 properties and/or experimental conditions
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Interdisciplinary Databases

Database comparison

  Web of Science Scopus ProQuest Dissertations and Theses
Quick guide Web of Science Core Collection Reference Guide (PDF)

Scopus® Quick reference guide (PDF)

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global support site


Source items from 1900–

Source items from 1960– (with selected older material)

1861– (with some European dissertations back from the 17th century)

Literature Types

Journal articles, selected books (and some book chapters), selected conference papers, ; 35+ languages

Journal articles, books (and some book chapters), conference papers, patents, trade journals; 40+ languages

Master's and doctoral theses and dissertations; 50+ languages


Citation database; also permits searching broadly across disciplines

Citation database; also permits searching broadly across disciplines Breadth: indexing and full text hosting of international culminating graduate work
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Additional notes

Minimal subject indexing. Widely accepted in US academe (and sometimes abused) as a research impact assessment tool.

Minimal subject indexing. Covers a larger range of sources than Web of Science, but less widely accepted as a research impact assessment tool in the US. Full text may be embargoed 6 months–2 years