Mounted on Library server with IP-access (e.g., Dave Leip Election Data)
Mounted on Library server with dedicated terminal access (e.g., Geolytics)
Online licensed databases with IP-access (e.g., Social Explorer, Cambridge Structure Database)
Online data repositories with institutional memberships (e.g., ICPSR)
Online licensed databases with dedicated terminal access (e.g., Datastream)
Physical format (e.g., CD-ROM)
Freely available online resources
Preference is given to data that can be stored online and remotely accessed. (e.g., ICPSR)
Preference is given to software-independent (“standard”) formats. If not software independent, the interface must offer ease of use. (e.g. txt, csv)
Data do not require frequent or costly updates. Data are from a credible and reliable source.
The vendor is a reliable business partner, and provides adequate and immediately accessible documentation.
Joint purchases between the Library, researchers, and/or departments, are encouraged; in most cases, the library will manage and administer these purchases.
At the same time, we strive to be flexible; an expensive dataset or database that has high value – broad impact across research and/or instruction at Boston College – will be considered. Supplemental funding on the part of the researcher or schools are especially welcome in these cases.
Data must be accompanied by adequate documentation and metadata.
Long-term access to and retention of data will be provided at the Library’s discretion.
Decision Making Authority
Acquisition decisions will include the Data Librarian, the relevant Liaison Librarian(s), and Collections Management within the Library.