Even if one is not required by your funding agency, developing a data management plan (DMP) at the beginning of a new project will inform good practice throughout the data cycle. The following practices are fundamental to effective data management and can be applied to all disciplines:
To prevent data from being lost to incompatibility, store it as formats and on hardware that are open standard, not proprietary.
Type of Data | Recommended Format | Avoid These Formats |
Plain Text | .txt | .docx, .doc, .rtf |
Tabular Text | .csv, .tsv | .xlsx, .xls |
Image | .tiff | .jpg, .psd |
Documents | .pdf/a, .epub | .azw |
Archiving | .zip | .rar |
Storage | Cloud | CD-Rom |
Subject/Discipline | Example Archive/Repository |
Ecology | Dryad |
DNA Sequences | GenBank |
Chemistry | Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre |
Social Sciences | ICPSR |