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Import works from Google Scholar

Google Scholar and ORCID

Google Scholar Profiles are incredibly common and useful tools for researchers. They allow researchers to track their citations and publicly show their work. For more on Google Scholar, see our LibGuide on Scholarly Identity. If you already have a Google Scholar profile, it is incredibly easy to pull citations from that profile into ORCID.

The slideshow below gives instructions on how to import works from Google Scholar in seconds. If you have any questions, please contact either your Subject Librarian or the librarian listed on the "Basics and Benefits" page.

Import from Google Scholar

Google Scholar Profile homepage

1. Navigate to your Google Scholar Profile

Navigate to your Google Scholar Homepage

2. Check the boxes next to your publications

Check the boxes next to your publications. You can either check them individually (and choose which works to include or leave out) or check the box at the top that automatically checks all boxes.

Google Scholar profile with the

3. Click "Export"

Once you've chosen which works you would like to add to ORCID, click on the "Export" button above the list to reveal a dropdown menu.

Google Scholar profile with the

4. Click "BibTeX"

Choose the BibTeX option from the dropdown menu.

Browser windown with raw BibTeX data displayed

5. View BibTex

Once you choose "BibTeX", Google SCholar will take you to a site with the raw BibTex data displayed. You do not need to review this data if the data in your Google Scholar profile was correct. It is simply designed for a computer to read.

Raw BibTex with right-click menu displayed and

6. Save the BibTeX page

Right click anywhere in that window and choose "Save Page As...".

Save page dialogue where you can choose filename and save location

7. Save page as a text file

Choose a filename (or leave it as the default "citations") and choose a place to save the file that you will be able to find again. Your desktop and your downloads folder are good options. Click "Save".

An ORCID profile page

8. Go to your ORCID Profile

In your browser, navigate to your ORCID profile. You can get there by going to

ORCID profile with the

9. Click "Add Works"

Scroll down to the "Works" section of your profile and and click "Add Works".

ORCID profile with the

10. Click "Import BibTeX"

From the dropdown menu that appears, choose "Import BibTeX"

ORCID profile with a new box for importing BibTeX files visible underneath the

11. Click "Choose File"

A new box will appear underneath the "Works" heading. In that box, click "Choose file".

System popup window for finding an selecting files in the foreground. Background is an ORCID profile in a browser.

12. Choose the citations file you saved earlier

Navigate to where you saved the BibTeX file from Google Scholar and select it. Click "Open".

ORCID Profile with works loaded into it for review. There are buttons to save and delete individual or all works.

13. Review Works

ORCID will load your citation.txt file into your profile under Works. At this point, you can choose to keep some or all of your works. There are save and delete buttons next to each individual work, and there is a "Save All" button that the top. You should "Save All" if you've already selected the ones you want to bring in from Google Scholar.

ORCID Profile with works saved

14. Success!

 You've now imported your Google Scholar profile into ORCID. Congratulations! Now see how to connect it to Scopus to get automatic updates when you publish in Journals listed in Scopus.

ORCID profile with works imported.

16. Hide "Import BibTeX" Box

At this point, you can choose to hide the "Import BibTeX" box by clicking "Hide Import BibTeX". This step is optional, and only you can see this box on your profile.

ORCID profile with completed Works section. Pencil icon for editing individual works is highlited

17. Edit individual works if you desire

At this point, you can edit individual works by clicking on the pencil icon in the bottom of the entry. This will allow you to add more metadata if you would like, or alternative links to the work (such as an OpenAccess link to eScholarship@BC).