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TMNT 7023 Introduction to the New Testament



This guide will provide quick access to important research tools for the study of the New Testament.

To help you get started...

If you are new to Biblical exegesis, it can be very helpful to begin with guidance from an expert. Here (below) are two excellent resources to help you in your study. Please note that these resources may be on course reserve at any given time.

Language tools

Exegesis often requires engagement, at least at a cursory level, with Biblical (or Koine) Greek, the original language of the New Testament. If Koine Greek is unfamiliar to you, there are tools to help you in your study, including linguistic keys, interlinear Bibles, lexicons, etc. Here are a few possible choices.

Single volume commentaries

There are a number of single-volume commentaries on the Bible that may be worthwhile to consult during an exegesis project. Here (below) are a few worthy of consideration.

Gospel parallels

When doing exegesis of a Gospel pericope, in addition to comparing different translations of your assigned text, it is often beneficial to examine if/how a similar pericope was treated by the other Gospel writers. Gospel parallels (a.k.a. synopsis or harmony) can facilitate such study. Many versions exist, but here are four for your consideration.

Interpretation over time

Exegesis may involve consideration of how an assigned text has been understood throughout the Church's long history, including the Patristic period. What follows then are books addressing the question of Biblical interpretation from the early Church on through medieval times.