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In this video, Doug focuses on Investext, a database which provides investment analyst reports on publicly-traded companies. Please see the "Additional Videos" tab for videos on Data Axle and Factset, two databases which provide company information, including financials, products and services, and key personnel. 

A key source for public company information is Investext. Investment analysts write these reports to make their arguments for stock buy, sell, and hold recommendations.

Video length: 2 minutes 18 seconds

Basic Steps

  • Use Investext to get more detailed information about companies
  • Navigate to BC Libraries and search databases for Investext
  • Search for Tesla using the Ticker TSLA
    • There are multiple listings for Tesla, choose TSLA
    • Hit "Submit," and then "View"
  • Default to the last 12 months
  • Review the Titles, Contributors, and Report Length
  • View the report in PDF
  • Get a detailed treatment about the company itself or of several industry players
  • Of special note is the executive summary, your pathway through the report

Reflection Question

1. What companies or brands do you love, loathe, admire, or fear?