This guide identifies major sources in the merger and acquisition industry including deal statistics, journals and databases, and general industry news
and websites.
Wikipedia is a good starting point for a brief orientation to the topic. Defines many aspects of the industry and provides a list of many major mergers & acquisitions.
Merger & Acquisition (M&A) Filings
The merger & acquisition industry is regulated by the U.S. Securties & Exchange Commission (SEC). The forms that are required to be filed are described in the links below.
Contains information on the Securities & Exchange (SEC) disclosure rules. It provides a description of many of the common M&A SEC filings related to mergers, such as forms S-4, 14D9 and 14D6.
This guide by ThomsonReuters gives good descriptions of the various Securities and Exchange (SEC) filings required by the government for mergers and acquisitions.
This InvestorsEdge.Com dictionary covers terms used in mergers and acquisitions, from terms such as Absorbed and Black Knight through Poison Pill to Zombie.
Senior Liaison Librarian for Carroll School of Management