For texts written prior to 1924, users can consult Project Gutenberg, the Internet Archive, HathiTrust (BC login needed), or Google Books to check for fulltext versions online. More movies and books are available via the Boston Public Library with an e-card. Here are some recommended titles:
For contemporary texts still under copyright, check out BC Libraries access, the Internet Archive for a 14-day loan, as well as your public library's e-access. Here are some recommended titles:
Scientific or historical accounts concerning the plague written pre-1700. For some books hosted on Early English Books Online or other databases, BC sign-in is required.
At BC, you have access to hundreds of streaming videos from major motion pictures to educational mini-series. For the full range, check out our Streaming Collections guide. Movies may also be available on streaming services such as YouTube and Netflix. More movies and books are available via the Boston Public Library with an e-card. Here are some recommended titles: