The BC Library Search is the system by which you locate and borrow materials from all BC Libraries. The "Advanced Search" link allows you to limit your search by title, author, and subject, among other categories.
WorldCat includes citations to materials held in libraries around the world. It also facilitates Interlibrary Loan (ILL) borrowing. Click on the blue "Request item" button and complete the form to submit an ILL request.
Tips for Book Searching
Here are two primary ways to locate books on your topic:
Review bibliographies in other relevant works (in reference works, books, or articles). Looking at some of the cited sources is a good place to start.
Search by subject in the BC Library Search. Subject headings are not always intuitive; if you are unable to determine what the proper heading is through a few preliminary searches, try looking up the heading on the Library of Congress Authorities website. For more on this process, see this video.