This guide highlights key sources of city and state demographic statistics, economic indicators, social indicators, housing, education and industry data. Current and historical data included with links to online mapping tools. Sources are primarily online
The Annual Survey of Jails, formerly titled National Survey of Jails, is the only data collection effort that provides an annual source of data on local jails and jail inmates
The Compendium of National Juvenile Justice Data Sets is an online resource for researchers that is intended as an aid to investigations of juvenile offending, victimization, and contact with the juvenile justice system.
Local Law Enforcement Agency Profile by large cities including employment, demographic composition, functions, agency Operations, salaries, employment requirements and training, and crimes reported summary.
The archive offers a user-friendly interface to download data on criminal justice. The site includes Quick Tables of statistics and an on-line analysis tool, Data Analysis System (DAS).
This key database provides links to statistical tables from major crime data sources such as the FBI Uniform Crime Reports. A search will provide a citation for locating the material and in many cases a link to a full table of the data.
Aggregates statistics from many sources and includes demographics, employment, business patterns, crime, building permits, housing affordability, and city finance.