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International Organizations

This is a guide to different sources available through Boston College relating to various methodological studies of history including cultural, history of medicine, etc.

What's on This Page by Organization

    Amnesty International (AI)

    Council of Europe (CoE)

    European Union (EU)

    International Labor Organization (ILO)

    Human Rights Watch (HRW)

    International Criminal Court (ICC)

    League of Nations (LoN)

    Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)


    United Nations (UN)


    Additional Collections

    UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency)

    World Bank

    Personal Papers

    Burns Box


    In our very own special collections library (Burns), you'll find a selection of material on your topic. Consider visiting the library and seeing history in your hands. To do so, you should start by searching for material through BC Libraries' catalog and then ordering it (if you haven't registered, you'll be prompted). For a guide on the process, check out the "Finding Burns Material" page.  You might also check out the following recommendations: 

    For Additional Help

    For additional recommendations, contact your History Liaison, Erin, at or schedule an appointment.