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UNAS170501 Literature Review Assignment


Getting Started

Supports class assignment

What is Peer-Reviewed?

Peer-reviewed journals provide platforms for scholars to share groundbreaking research results that are often arcane and difficult to read for outsiders, and yet are often the only source for groundbreaking research in all fields, including humanities, social sciences, and hard sciences.

Many of the articles will be structures with section headings such as: abstract, literature review, methodology, results, conclusions, and works cited. 

What is a scholarly journal video from the University of Washington.


The goal of this paper is for you to:

  • summarize what is known about this topic (based on the 5 studies),and what next steps researchers interested in this topic should take.
  • Use critical analysis and integration of information to understand the topic.
  • Paper should be scholarly in tone, substance, and presentation, including use of American Psychological Association format.

Getting help with Research

BC Libraries have many online resources useful for locating material pertaining to diverse aspects of Education. These pages mention some of the more relevant ones arranged under helpful categories.

  • Subject Specialist for Education: Margaret Cohen email me anytime for assistance or to set up an appointment to meet to discuss your research.
  • Ask a librarian  Connect to a librarian to help you find answers to your questions, resources for your projects, and refer you to the right experts.
  • Educational Research A guide to educational research with starting points for many of the areas within education.
  • Education Specific Databases A broad range of Education resources and provide information about numerous diverse aspects of educational topics.