This guide highlights key sources of city and state demographic statistics, economic indicators, social indicators, housing, education and industry data. Current and historical data included with links to online mapping tools. Sources are primarily online
Key economic indicators and labor trends including: Consumer Price Index, Current Population Survey (employment, unemployment, earnings), Employment Cost Trends, Local Area Unemployment and Producer Price Index.
Includes an extensive amount of transportation statistical data, including airport activity statistics and airline on-time statistics, as well as full-text links to the BTS's Issue Briefs and the Journal of Transportation and Statistics.
Available data tables include topics on Lawful Permanent Residents, Refugees and Asylees, Naturalizations, Nonimmigrant Admissions, and Enforcement Actions.
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the U.S. and other nations.
ERS research and analysis covers a broad range of economic and policy topics, including agricultural economy, food and nutrition, food safety, global markets and trade, resources and environment, rural economy and etc.