Scholarly articles are:
Working Papers are not yet published in a scholarly journal and have not undergone peer review. It is much faster to share a working paper and is very common to use in Economics Research.
In every research guide there are databases recommended for the topic. For interdisciplinary topics you may need to consult an additional research guide or meet with a librarian for a research consultation.
Finally, JSTOR Economics: Full-text journal articles with focus on economics literature. You can always search JSTOR generally then organize by subject.
Keep in mind, that sometimes you can find a working paper and the final published version of an article in the same database. Compare dates to see the more recent version. Below is a selection of formal working paper series:
Centre for Economics Policy Research Discussion Papers (CEPR)
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
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OECD Working papers: scroll down on webpage
Social Science Research Network (SSRN).
Below are a few highlighted journal titles: