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HIST 2045-01: A Material and Cultural History of Food in China


Setting up your Google Sites Page

This course studies historical continuity and changes of dietary traditions and culinary practices in China. We will examine how certain foods gave possibilities to and conditioned China's cultural formation and, in return, how food and ways of eating are

Your Project in Google Sites

For this course, you are required to participate in developing a research project on the history of food in China. The end project will take the form of a digitally curated project with multiple components. The conceptual side of the project must address 1) biological/agricultural/scientific information and 2) both historical and contemporary sources discussing that food group in the Chinese context.

For the course Google Site, you are expected to provide:

  1. An introduction to your chosen focus. Remember that you need to have a specific point you are trying to make regarding your chosen focus.
  2. A discussion of what that focus (e.g., wheat) is in terms of the scientific side. 
  3. An engagement with the role/use/engagement/importance of that foodstuff in terms of Chinese history and present. 
  4. Graphs/charts/images to illustrate your points (remember to include appropriate citations). 
  5. Endnotes listing your primary and secondary sources. 

The look and feel of your presentation should differ based on what you are arguing/telling your audience. 

Approaching Google Sites

After you've decided which of the six projects you are focusing, you should familiarize yourself with your options for visualizations. 

  1. Head to the course Google Site (HIST 2045). 
  2. On the right, lower corner of the page, you'll see an "edit" button, which looks like a pen in a circle. Click on it. (Note: you must be logged into your Boston College Google Account.)
  3. You will now see the main page in editable modules on the left and an "edit" panel on the right. 
  4. Start by clicking on the "Pages" tab ("2" in the image to the right) and selecting the page for the subject you are working on (i.e., "Tea").
  5. Once the subject page has loaded, head back to the "insert" tab (1). On that tab, you can
    •  Select different "Layouts" (8), designed to make inserting images and texts easier,
    • Add collapsible texts (9),
    • Embed video, etc. (6), 
    • Or add directly from your Google Drive (excellent for endnotes, etc.)

Before you actually add text, make sure to think about a) your audience and b) your goals. Visuals are a part of communication. 

Google Sites Edit Bar

For Additional Help

For additional recommendations, contact your History Liaison, Erin, at or schedule an appointment.