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ENVS 4943 Environmental Studies Research Seminar


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Review Articles

"Review articles" are a type of article  which provide a survey of knowledge in a particular topic. Some databases make it easy to identify these articles.  In Web of Science, once you have your search results displayed, use the "Review" filter on the left to limit to these types of articles. Similarly, in Scopus , look for the "Review" filter on the left, under "Document Type".  In INSPEC, search by "Treatment Type" and limit to "General Review".  In  PubMed, look for the "Review" filter in the upper left once you have your search results displayed.

Science databases for finding articles and other materials

Other Useful databases

Is it peer-reviewed?

In certain databases  limit your results to  peer-reviewed  or "scholarly articles."  Or look the journal up in Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory.  Ulrich's identifies peer-reviewed (refereed) journals with this icon: referee icon