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Educational Research


The References Page

This guide focuses on a number of resources useful for research in Education.

Basic Rules

These are some basic rules for your references page:

  • The word "References" is centered at the top of the page, and capitalized at the first word (no underlining or italics are needed).

  • Arrange references in alphabetical order by the author's last name.

  • Double space between and within references.

  • Use initials for the first and middle names of authors.

  • Have a hanging indent at the second line of the reference.

Unusual Rules to Remember

APA has a few unusual rules about formatting references. It is helpful to remember that:

    • you will want to use double spacing both in between and within entries.
    • Only the first letter of the first word of a title of a book chapter or journal article is capitalized.
    • The title of the book or journal is italicized, not the title of a chapter or journal article.
    • Include the Running Head on your references page.

Remember to include the page number on the references page.