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Chinese Language Resources | 中文资源


Articles/Books | 学术期刊/书籍

For additional material | 更多资源

This resource guide provides bi-lingual access points to BC's Chinese language resources. This page focuses on databases for scholarship (both as books and journal articles). The subpage focuses on Chinese language collections for art, literature, and history

For even more material, take look at Boston College Libraries' subject specific guides in English. 

Keep in mind that if BC doesn't have a book or journal article you want to read, you (as a BC affiliate) can order it through Interlibrary Loan at no charge to you. Once you fill out the form, the Libraries will try and obtain a copy from another repository. 


本资源指南提供了波士顿学院的中文资源的双语访问点。 此页面侧重于学术数据库(包括书籍和期刊文献)。 子页信息涵盖包括艺术,文学和历史等方面的中文收藏。

如需更多, 请查看波士顿学院图书馆英文学科资源指南。 



Journals and eBooks | 期刊和电子书

Reference Material | 参考材料

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) | 馆际互借

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) provides Boston College faculty, students, and staff with access to research collections that are not available at the Boston College Libraries. Need a text Boston College does not have? Request it through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

馆际互借 (ILL) 为我校教职员工、学生和工作人员提供访问本馆没有收藏的文献。需要波士顿学院没有的文本?通过馆际互借 (ILL) 索取。


For Assistance |寻求帮助

Your subject librarians would be delighted to assist with your research interests and needs. Check out the list of subjects and feel free to contact the relevant librarian directly! 

您的学科图书管员将很高兴为您提供研究兴趣和需求的帮助。 查看科目列表并随时联系你的图书馆员!


Asian Studies Resource Guides |亚洲研究资源指南

For additional material, check out our English language guides: 
