Flores, Angel. Spanish American Authors: The Twentieth Century. New York: Wilson, 1992. (O'Neill Reference PQ7081.F57 1992)
Herdeck, Donald E., ed. Caribbean Writers, A Bio Bibliographical Critical Encyclopedia. Washington, D.C.: Three Continents, 1979. (O'Neill Reference PN849.C3C3)
Levine, Linda Gould, Ellen Engelson Marson, and Gloria Feiman Waldman, eds. Spanish Women Writers : A Bio Bibliographical Source Book. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1993. (O'Neill Library Reference PQ6055.S63 1993)
Marting, Diane E. Spanish American Women Writers: A Bio-Bibliographic Source Book. New York: Greenwood, 1990 (O'Neill Reference PQ7081.A1 S62x 1990)
Marting, Diane E. Women Writers of Spanish America: An Annotated Bio-Bibliographical Guide. New York: Greenwood, 1987. (O'Neill Reference PQ7081.Z99W63 1987)
Solé, Carlos A., and Maria Isabel Abreu, eds. Latin American Writers. 3 vols. New York: Scribner's, 1989. (O'Neill Reference PQ7081.A1L37 1989)