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Hispanic Ministry @ Boston College


Hosffman Ospino

This guide introduces the Hispanic Ministry Program at Boston College's School of Theology and Ministry (STM). It also points to important resources for the study of U.S. Latino/a theology and ministry.

Faculty Director


TM 717 - Education of Christians: Past, Present & Future

TM 767 - Hispanic Ministry Seminar I: Pastoral Dimensions

TM 816 - Sharing Faith in Religious Education & Pastoral Ministry

TM 830 - Religious Education, Ministry and Culture

Brief Biography

Dr. Hosffman Ospino, Director of Graduate Programs in Hispanic Ministry, is an Assistant Professor in the School of Theology and Ministry.

Dr. Ospino was born in Colombia where he pursued undergraduate studies in Philosophy. He taught philosophy and religion at various academic levels and worked for the National Confederation of Catholic Education of Colombia. He holds an M.A. in Theology with concentration in Church History and a Ph.D. in Theology and Education from Boston College.

Dr. Ospino’s research concentrates on the dialogue between theology and culture and the impact of this interchange upon Catholic theological education, catechesis, and ministry. He has lectured nationally and internationally on these areas. He and his wife, Guadalupe, are actively involved in Hispanic Ministry in Boston.

Contact information:
Office Phone: 617-552-0119

Recent Publications

Hispanic Ministry in the Twenty-First Century: Present and Future, editor. Convivium Press, 2010.

Edited collection of essays exploring the current situation of Catholic Hispanic Ministry in the United States and proposing directions for the immediate future. The book will be published in English and Spanish. Dr. Ospino wrote the chapter on Hispanic Ministry, Religious Education, and Evangelization and co-authored the essay on Hispanic Ministry and Leadership Formation.

Theological Horizons for a Pedagogy of Accompaniment (Religious Education, v. 105, n. 4, July-September 2010)

An analysis of “accompaniment” as a theological and spiritual category grounding the act of educating Christians.

Entre fronteras, límites y umbrales: aproximaciones teológico-prácticas a la experiencia religiosa a partir del fenómeno migratorio/ Between Borders, Limits and Thresholds: Practical Theological Reflections on Religious Experience from the Perspective of Migration (Revista de Ciencias Religiosas, Universidad Católica Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez, Chile, vol. XVIII, 2009)

An exercise of theological reflection exploring how Hispanic migrants living in the United States continuously reshape their understanding about God, human person, and church in light of the uniqueness of their own experience.

Foundations for an Intercultural Philosophy of Christian Education (Religious Education,v. 104, n. 3, May-June 2009)

Foundational principles that seek to establish a solid platform for a philosophy of Christian education that is culturally responsive and responsible.

Rethinking the Urban Parish in Light of the New Catholicity (New Theology Review, 21, n. 1, February 2008)

Winner of the New Theology Review Essay Award in Theological Reflection 2007. An increasing number of Catholic parishes across the United States serve several communities that claim culture and language as an important aspect of their identity. This theological reflection proposes several insights into imagining the urban parish as “community of communities” rather than merely a canonical unit within the Church’s organization. This is a great resource for ministers serving in urban settings.

The Catholic School in the Secular State: United States Perspectives (Religion and Public Policy: A German-American Comparison, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies at Johns Hopkins University, 43-50. Washington, DC: AICGS, 2008).

Available online:

An analysis of the unique contributions of Catholic Schools to the U.S. Society and the necessity of fostering dialogue between these institutions and secular structures.

Forthcoming Publications:

Peter’s Catechism (Liguori Press, versions in English and Spanish)

Reflections on Pedagogy and the Public Dimension of U.S. Latino Catholic Theological Reflection (Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology)

The Bible and Catechesis (Book chapter in Camino a Emaús: The Word of God and Latino Catholics, edited by Jean-Pierre Ruiz. In English and Spanish)

TML Reference Librarian

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Jennifer Moran
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