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This research guide is designed to help you find key financial market information. It identifies resources in the specific areas of stocks, bonds, interest rates, mutual funds, and commodities.


Amadeus (BC Community)
By By Bureau Van Dijk the database provides  comparable financial information for public and private companies across Europe. Note BC subscription includes very large companies, about 1 million. Access is also provided via WRDS (Wharton Research Data Services) which allows you to select multiple variables and download data in Excel and SPSS formats.

BC Faculty, PhD and Masters level students may set up accounts directly from the WRDS web site
All other students email for information about setting up an account.


Account Information

WRDS stands for Wharton Research Data Services. This interface allows you to select multiple variables and download data in Excel and SPSS formats.

BC Faculty, PhD and Masters level students may set up accounts directly from the WRDS web site:

All other students email for information about setting up an account.