Use the following options for items that you cannot locate within the Boston College Libraries collections.
WorldCat Local is an online catalog configured to search the collections of the 17 institutions in the Boston Library Consortium (BLC), a group of academic and research libraries mostly in the Boston area.
If a book you are seeking is not available at BC you may locate it in a BLC library, put in a request for it (without filling out a form), and have it at BC in 2-5 days. If the book is not available from a Consortium library, you can request it from other libraries in just a few clicks.
WorldCat Local can also be used for CDs, DVDs, microfilm, and other physical items available in BLC libraries. Books and other materials can be requested if they are not owned by the Boston College Libraries or when they are checked out or otherwise unavailable.
Note: Articles in journals, magazines, and newspapers that are not available at BC should be requested via interlibrary loan forms instead of WorldCat Local. (Books can be ordered via a ILL form as well, but the process is streamlined when done through WorldCat Local.)
Boston College faculty, students, and staff also continue to have access to the traditional WorldCat with more advanced searching options.
Local Libraries
Resources available from the many public and university libraries in the Boston area can be found using the following:
Boston Library Consortium
Members of the Boston College community have access to the Boston Library Consortium (BLC), an association of 17 academic and research libraries in New England. Borrowing and onsite use policies vary. Ask at a circulation desk for the BLC borrower card and for more information about visiting or borrowing from a BLC library.
Boston Theological Institute Libraries
The collections of the Boston Theological Institute consortium, consisting of over a million and a half volumes in theology and related disciplines, constitute one of the richest theological library centers in the world.
Boston Public Library
28 locations including the Central Library, located in Copley Square, Boston.