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Finding World Language Materials in the ERC


Getting Started

This guide will describe world language materials and how to find them in the ERC

Why use World Language Materials with Children?

  • Illustrations provide picture clues
  • Show written words in other languages
  • Read alouds provides text, gestures, and expression
  • Natural & academic language exposure
  • Identify cognates
  • Vocabulary presented in context
  • Integrate language skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening)
  • Reading self-efficacy
  • Understand grammar rules
  • Provides cultural knowledge
  • Figurative & literal  language understanding
  • Parents can read the same book at home in their native language

What Types of World Language Books are Available at the ERC

Bilingual Books: Books that have two languages in the same book

World Language Books: Books solely written in a particular language

Translated Books: Books that are originally in one language then translated to another language

Examples of World Language Books

Bilingual Book
Source: Waiting For Mama byT'ae-jun Yi 
written in Korean & English

Image of bilingual text


World Language Book
Source: Bon appetit, Monsieur Lapin!
written in French

Image of foreign language text

Example of a Translated Book
Source: Harry Potter y el prisionero de Azkaban
translated into Spanish

Image of translated text


Department of Education and Early Childhood Development: Newfoundland Labrador, Canada
Using Children's Literature with ESL Students

Fluent U: Learning a Language by Reading Books

New Jersey Teachers of English to Speakers of  Other Languages/New Jersey Bilingual Educators
10 Ways to Use Bilingual Books with Children

Sr. Liaison Librarian for Curriculum Materials